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Cartoonist draws big success after repeated rejections May 31, 2021 – Posted in: In The News

He had just lost his job. The concept of his first book was rejected by 13 different publishers with the excuse that it wouldn’t sell. Customers have even scolded him and laughed at his caricatures, saying that his artworks don’t resemble them at all. Many would have thrown in the towel after facing not one, but 13 rejections, and locked away their dreams forever. But not Azmi Hussin. He refused to give in and give…

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Review: Signs on the Earth: Islam, Modernity and the Climate Crisis May 28, 2021 – Posted in: Reviews

Richard Foltz Concordia University, Montréal The global environmental crisis disproportionately affects Muslims, insofar as its effects are more severely felt in the developing world and fall harder upon the poor than upon the rich. And yet, the issue has received little attention from contemporary Muslim thinkers and activists worldwide, preoccupied with ‘more pressing’ issues. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, a Muslim philosopher who spent most of his career in the United States, was among the first…

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Cop mohor bawa maklumat sejarah May 19, 2021 – Posted in: In The News

Siti Haliza Yusop KUALA LUMPUR: Maklumat yang terdapat pada cop mohor, menjadikannya sebagai sumber sejarah yang sangat penting mengenai kerajaan Melayu. Apatah lagi apabila ada antara maklumat berkenaan tidak dicatat secara terperinci dalam mana-mana dokumentasi sejarah sezaman. Ketua Kurator Koleksi Asia Tenggara, Perpustakaan British, Datuk Dr Annabel Teh Gallop, berkata dalam cop mohor atau sebelum ini disebut sebagai ‘cap Melayu’ nama pemilik, gelaran serta keturunan turut dimuatkan. Hal ini menjadikan cop mohor menyimpan maklumat lebih…

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Book sale! Up to 50% off on selected titles! May 7, 2021 – Posted in: Uncategorized

These titles are available direct from our bookstore or via our online ordering service. We ship internationally too. Giving Our Best: The Story of St George’s Girls’ School, Penang, 1885-2010 Was RM100. Now RM40 Heritage Trees of Penang (2015 reprint) Was RM130. Now RM100 Living Pathways: Meditations on sustainable cultures and cosmologies in Asia Was RM80. Now RM40 Living Landscapes, Connected Communities: Culture, Environment and Change Across AsiaWas RM80. Now RM40…

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Dancing a fine line to keep Mak Yong alive May 5, 2021 – Posted in: In The News

Faisal Asyraf, Sun, 2 May 2021 In championing a once-banned traditional dance form in the conservative state of Kelantan, prominent Mak Yong dancer Rosnan Abdul Rahman has had to tread carefully as he ends up facing criticism from both sides even while battling to keep the art alive. He was instrumental in getting Mak Yong unbanned in 2019. However, there was a compromise – changes were made to the content and state regulations specified how Mak Yong…

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Seeing Penang from new angles April 28, 2021 – Posted in: In The News

IF a picture is worth a thousand words, then George Town Festival’s maiden publication of Penang at a Glance tells hundreds of fascinating stories. The 96-page photobook contains images of the state’s landscapes, streets, festivals, celebrations, people, arts and culture plus much more. The photos were taken by four local shutterbugs – engineers Govindarajoo Selvathurai and Thum Chia Chieh, civil servant Oh Chin Eng and professional photographer Sherwynd Rylan Kessler. Natives of Penang looking at…

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Menulis sejarah orang kalah April 21, 2021 – Posted in: In The News

Oleh DR MUHAMIN SULAM / April 17, 2021 Buku ‘Batu Uban. Sejarah Awal Pulau Pinang’ tulisan Prof Dr. Ahmad Murad Merican dianugerahkan sebagai buku terbaik dalam kategori buku sejarah sempena Majlis Anugerah Buku Negara baru-baru ini. Beliau bukanlah terdidik dalam disiplin sejarah dan bukan pakar sejarah. Namun karyanya itu, saya anggap sebagai sejarah orang kalah. Orang asal Pulau Pinang adalah ‘orang kalah’. Mungkin sebagai anak tempatan, Prof Dr. Ahmad Murad Merican cuba bangun menolak pemikiran yang sedia…

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Can Mak Yong survive another decade? April 14, 2021 – Posted in: In The News

A. Kathirasen “But we Malaysians are different. We want the name and the prestige, but when it comes to action we turn into stone. The only thing left for Mak Yong, it appears, is to die out.” Mak Yong was declared a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) in 2005. The recognition followed the submission of a paper on the traditional Malay…

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‘Sutan Puasa yang buka KL, bukan Yap Ah Loy’ March 10, 2021 – Posted in: In The News

Sutan Puasa merupakan orang yang layak dianggap sebagai pembuka Kuala Lumpur, dan bukannya Yap Ah Loy mahu pun Raja Abdullah, demikian menurut pakar sejarah, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dr. Khoo Kay Kim. “Ramai yang tidak mengetahui tentang peranan Sutan Puasa dalam membuka Kuala Lumpur kerana tidak banyak cerita mengenai beliau diketahui umum. “Dahulu orang Melayu tidak suka menyimpan rekod dan ia juga antara faktor menyebabkan pedagang dari Sumatera, Indonesia itu kedengaran asing dalam sejarah Kuala…

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Through the wheels of time January 29, 2021 – Posted in: In The News, Reviews

Arnold Loh, The Star THE nostalgia hits many locals on busy Penang Road. From the Chulia Street-Penang Road junction towards Komtar, commuters will come across parallel steel tramlines, built sometime between 1880 and 1906. Road builders dug them up by accident in 2004 while replacing underground utility cables. To make them invulnerable to the grinding wheel of time, the road running along the tramlines is encased not in normal asphalt but solid concrete. This preserved…

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