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English translations bring Fatimah Busu’s BM stories to new audiences March 5, 2025 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Hanis Maketab, The Star4 March 2025 Within Malay literature circles, Fatimah Busu is already a familiar and highly-respected name, especially when great Malay women writers are being discussed. Now, English language readers are finally getting the chance to get better acquainted with the prolific Kelantanese author’s writings. An Ordinary Tale About Women And Other Stories, translated by Pauline Fan and published by Penguin Random House SEA, features 10 of Fatimah’s short stories that have been…

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Tanjung Malim travel writer spends two months visiting Malaysia’s small towns by bus, pens book January 9, 2025 – Posted in: Uncategorized

By MELANIE CHALIL In a fast-paced world, Lam Ching Fu is taking the slow travel movement to new heights by travelling to Malaysia’s small towns using public buses. His journey to the northern states of Perak, Perlis, Penang and Kedah took two months to complete, unearthing many hidden gems along the way. Born and raised in Tanjung Malim, Lam, affectionately known as FuFu, had just returned from living abroad for 10 years when he decided…

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Significant contributions of Malaysian Tamil Muslims January 4, 2024 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Ranjit Singh Malhi Very little has been written about the substantial contributions of the Malaysian Tamil Muslims towards nation-building. Originating from Tamil Nadu, India, and renowned as an entrepreneurial community with astute business acumen, the Tamil Muslims played a major role in promoting the nation’s early trade and commerce, pioneering Malay publications, establishing mosques, and bequeathing religious endowments. Tamil Muslims who immigrated to what is currently Malaysia can be divided into three main groups: Marakkayar,…

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Son of Patani: ‘Diari’ Raja yang dirampas takhta June 12, 2023 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Shafizan JohariAstro AwaniJanuari 1, 2023 FADILLAH tekun menulis satu demi satu tutur ibunya di satu buku nota yang disimpannya sejak 10 tahun lalu. Di dalam buku nota itu, pelbagai cerita keluarganya yang disampaikan secara lisan, kini dicatat semula, sebagai salah satu usaha mengenang sejarah keluarga. Malah inilah antara hobi utama bekas pensyarah sastera dalam Bahasa Inggeris ini sejak bergelar pesara. Daripada hobi, ia bertukar menjadi komitmen. “Saya nak pastikan kisah hidup Nenda Raja diketahui oleh…

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Batu Uban: Bukti Pertapakan Melayu di Pulau Pinang June 10, 2021 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Francis Light dianggap sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab membuka Pulau Pinang pada tahun 1876. Kaum-kaum lain yang datang berhijrah pula dianggap membantu menyemarakkan lagi perkembangan kapitalisme di Pulau Pinang. Atas sebab itu sumbangan mereka dijulang dan segala yang berkaitan dengan mereka seperti kawasan (petempatan), bangunan dan tokoh dianggap warisan sejarah yang perlu disimpan malah diwartakan sebagai warisan sejarah yang diiktiraf oleh UNESCO. Dalam waktu yang sama, pihak-pihak tertentu melupakan sejarah tempatan iaitu sejarah orang-orang Melayu yang…

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ABDUR-RAZZAQ LUBIS June 7, 2021 – Posted in: Uncategorized

ABDUR-RAZZAQ LUBIS (also known by his Mandailing name Namora Sende Loebis) is an author and activist who writes on the environment as well as the social history and cultural heritage of Perak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Sumatra, Indonesia. His publications include Perak Postcards: 1890s-1940s (2010), Kinta Valley: Pioneering Malaysia’s Modern Development (2005) and Raja Bilah and the Mandailings in Perak: 1875-1911 (2003). His latest book Sutan Puasa, Founder of Kuala Lumpur (2018) was met with…

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Book sale! Up to 50% off on selected titles! May 7, 2021 – Posted in: Uncategorized

These titles are available direct from our bookstore or via our online ordering service. We ship internationally too. Giving Our Best: The Story of St George’s Girls’ School, Penang, 1885-2010 Was RM100. Now RM40 Heritage Trees of Penang (2015 reprint) Was RM130. Now RM100 Living Pathways: Meditations on sustainable cultures and cosmologies in Asia Was RM80. Now RM40 Living Landscapes, Connected Communities: Culture, Environment and Change Across AsiaWas RM80. Now RM40…

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17 April 2016: Earth Day 2016 special August 13, 2019 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. – Rumi Each year, April 22 marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. It acknowledges the responsibility we bear to promote harmony with nature and the Earth to achieve a balance between economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations. Today, Earth Day is recognised as the largest…

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Who really founded KL: Yap Ah Loy … or Sutan Puasa? June 27, 2019 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Rouwen Lin Some authors have a long list of things they would like their readers to take away from their books. Not this author. Independent scholar Abdur-Razzaq Lubis is quick with his answer when asked what he wants to get across in his book: that Sutan Puasa is the founder of Kuala Lumpur. Period. “With this project, I wanted to set the record straight that Sutan Puasa was the real founder of KL. “I am…

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‘Sutan Puasa: The Founder of Kuala Lumpur’, is the sole Malaysian contender for the ICAS Book Prize 2019 May 13, 2019 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Sutan Puasa: The Founder of Kuala Lumpur has been nominated for the 2019 International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) Colleagues’ Choice Award in the Humanties section. Sutan Puasa, Founder of Kuala Lumpur was launched in April 2018 amidst much fanfare and press coverage. Even as the book was hailed by many, including authorities on Malaysian history, for its boldness to reexamine the beginnings of Kuala Lumpur, it was also unsurprisingly greeted with hostility and skepticism…

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