​In Her Garden — Art and Penang Stories


Nik M. Fahmee
2024. Blue Monkey Press.
Softcover, 25 cm x 19 cm, 84 pages
ISBN 9786299705239



I am a storyteller with stories aplenty, good friends, and blessed to have my family with me too:

Nora, my floating keyboard of all keyboards. Thank you for taking care of my mother, and me.

Nik Nur Eeman, Nik Ehsan, Nik Hanna Elbam and Nik Ekhlas — Nani lived in our home and cooked for us not because she had to, but because she wanted to. I wish we had her longer in our Esente home. She would have been so proud of how you have grown. Eeman, you could have driven her to the market and back home. Your graduation speech and notes would have put her on the moon. Ehsan, you memorised the Quran and got into your dream university. She would have gone to send you right up to your dorm. Elbam, you not only have her small voice but also her hands to knit. Please continue knitting and keep her knitting tools close. Ekhlas, you have my hair and I got mine from her. And that is why I keep running my hands through them. 

I am truly glad you all came home from camp before she left us.