
Road To Dawn《夜‧明》DVD (2016)

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Road To Dawn: Newly reissued and unabridged DVD (2016) 

The movie Road to Dawn (2007) is based on the story of Dr Sun Yat Sen as a revolutionary in Penang, Malaysia, in the year 1910. Although it incorporates fictional elements, the movie is based on historical events. Directed by Hong Kong filmmaker, Derek Chiu, the film depicts an episode in Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionary life, when he sought refuge in Penang from July to December 1910. After his ninth failed attempt to stage a revolution in China, Dr. Sun Yat Sen alias Sun Wen (Winston Chao) is once more a political exile with a price on his head.

Turned away from Japan, he sails to the Nanyang and finds himself in Penang, where businessman Xu Boheng (Wang JianCheng) and his feisty Nyonya daughter, Xu Dang Rong (Lee Sin Chet) offer him sanctuary in their home. Dang Rong’s life changes when she meets Dr. Sun at her mother, Mrs. Xu’s (Vickey Liu) grand birthday celebration. Boheng is forcing Dang Rong to marry the son of his British business friend but unknown to her, her lover Lou Zhaoling (Zhao Zheng) is a Qing secret agent with orders to assassinate Dr. Sun. Meanwhile, Chen Cui Fen (Wu Yue) has just arrived to join Dr. Sun, not just as his second wife but also to thwart the assassin…

这部浪漫历史爱情剧是叙述1910年,孙文(赵文瑄饰演)九次革命起义失败,清政府用七十万两白银悬赏孙文的性命,孙文被迫离开日本,到南洋槟城继续为革命筹款。,为了安全孙文被安排住进槟城最大的帮会徐伯衡(王建成饰演)家中。徐之女,徐丹蓉(李心洁饰演)是位年轻、貌美和热心的娘惹小姐。她的生命因为在母亲徐二夫人(刘瑞琪饰演)生日会遇见孙中山而开始改变了。丹蓉父亲逼她嫁给一位英国商人朋友的儿子。可是她不晓得她的情人,罗肇麟(赵峥饰演),是大清密探,而他接到了暗杀孙文的命令…陈粹芬(吴越饰演)—— 孙中山的红颜知己也尾随而至来保护他………


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  • 上海國際電影節 最受注目男演員獎–趙文瑄。
    上海國際電影節 最有潛力新人獎–吳越。
  • 中美電影節 金像天使獎
  • 2009年中國中宣部第十一屆精神文明建設「五個一工程」優秀電影作品獎。

Awards 2007

  • Hua Biao Award (China’s equivalent to the Oscar) for Most Outstanding Newcomer Scriptwriter – Maezi
  • Shanghai International Film Festival Media Award for Best Actor – Winston Chao
  • Shanghai International Film Festival Media Award for Most Promising Newcomer – Wu Yue
  • Chinese American Film Festival Golden Angel Award

The movie brings together a cast and crew from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia. It stars Taiwanese actor Winston Chao as Sun Yat Sen (historical character); Angelica Lee Sin Chet as Xu Dan Rong, a Penang Nyonya (fictional character); Wu Yue as Chen Cuifen, Sun Yat Sen’s second wife (historical character) and Zhao Zheng as Luo Zhaoling (fictional character).

Produced by: the Shenzhen Film Production Company and the Pearl River Film Company Limited
Executive Producer: Wang Jiangcheng (China)
Director: Derek Chiu Sung Kee (Hong Kong)
Director of Photography: Chan Chi Ying

This newly-reissued disc features Mandarin audio with Chinese, English and Malay subtitles, aspect ratio of 16:9 (widescreen) with special bonus featurettes. Proceeds from the sale of the DVD will go towards the restoration and maintenance of the historic (built circa 1880) Sun Yat Sen Museum at 120 Armenian Street.

Also available is a souvenir booklet providing a brief historical background on each of the movie locations. Richly illustrated with most of the photographs professionally taken by the official movie photographer Di Jin Sheng.

For more about this DVD, please read our newsletter.

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