What if? : Post-war Choices in Singapore


Lee Geok Boi
1995. Singapore Heritage Society.
Softcover. Black&white illustrations only. 132pages.
ISBN 9813002948


A thought-provoking and interactive game book craftily written by Lee Geok Boi that is themed on the Japanese Occupation of Singapore in 1945. The interactive-style of the book makes it a fun-filled book that is suitable for children and adults alike. So without further ado, we’ll let the story begin…

What IF? Indeed. What if you had the opportunity to remake the decisions faced by the people of Singapore in 1945, after the traumatic years of the Japanese Occupation, facing the uncertain hopes of the future? What would your choices be? Where would they lead you?

This book is the key.

About the Author
Lee Geok Boi is a Straits Chinese with a life-long experience in all aspects of good food from eating, to cooking and writing. She was a food critic for several Singapore newspapers, namely New Nation, The Straits Times and The Sunday Times, and continues to contribute recipes to various publications after retirement today. She has several cookbooks on Straits Chinese and Southeast Asian food.

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