Water Watch: A Community Action Guide

Compiled by Abdur-Razzaq Lubis
1998. Asia-Pacific People’s Environmental Network (APPEN), Penang
Softcover. 25.1 cm x 20.3 cm, 96 pages,
with black and white illustrations
ISBN: 9839941607


This book provides important facts on water, emphasizes the importance of wetlands, and presents a step-by-step guide to map out watersheds and conduct a field study. It highlights simple projects that can be undertaken by community-based organizations and school groups, and includes practical hints on how best to use water resources.This book aims to raise awareness of water problems and help communities conserve and manage their water.

Editorial Reviews

“A source-book aimed at raising popular awareness of water problems and at empowering communities and individuals with simple ways of conserving and managing their water.” Environment and Urbanization, 1998

“Presents a step-by-step guide on how to map out our watershed and how to adopt a stream.”
Utusan Konsumer, June 1999

“It will prove particularly valuable for schools, but can also be read with considerable benefit by anyone trying to reduce their home water consumption.” Malaysian Naturalist, 2004

“Highlights simple projects that can be undertaken by community-based organizations and school groups, and includes practical hints on how to make best use of water resources.”
Go Between, United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service, April-May 1999



by Anwar Fazal, Regional Coordinator, Asia-Pacific 2000, UNDP

Chapter 1: Water Profile
Dihydrogen Monoxide
Water and the Planet
Water is Life
Water and Faith
Water Consumption
Water Resources and Use
Water and Industry
Water and Agriculture
Human Consumption
Water Contamination
Chemical Contamination
Lead Contamination
Arsenic Poisoning
Water-Related Diseases
Water Development
Water Stress and Scarcity
Water Scarcity Index
The Water Decade
Water and Gender
Damming Asia
Water and Climate Change
Water Ethics

Chapter 2: The Water Cycle
The Hydrological Cycle
Global Warming
Surface Water
Watershed Network

Chapter 3: Words on Wetlands
First Words
What’s in a Name?
Water for Wetlands, Wetlands for Water
Water is the heart and soul of wetlands
Wetlands and water
The Birthplace of Human Civilisation
Wetlands and Water Supply
Water Purification and Wetlands
Wetlands and Food on the Table
On the Edge of a Global Freshwater Crisis
Watery Paradise Lost?
Joining Forces for Wetlands and Water

Chapter 4: Human Use of Watersheds
Activities Affecting Watersheds
Water Pollution
Point Source
Non-Point Source

Chapter 5: Knowing Your Watershed
Watershed Inventory
Watershed Maps
Map Scales
A Watershed Map
Order of Streams and Rivers
Features of Watershed Maps
Watershed Database
Historical, Spiritual, Cultural Information
Political and Regulatory Information
Land Ownership Information
A Resource Centre

Chapter 6: A Field Study
Field Study
Safety Comes First

Chapter 7: Water Monitoring
Stream Symptoms
What Can You Do?
A General Approach
Decide on a Program
On Parameters
Monitoring Water Quality
Collecting Water Samples
What to Monitor?
The Pole Technique
When to sample
Some Notes on Method
Testing Water
Water temperature
Dissolved Oxygen
pH and Acidity
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Turbidity (Cloudiness)
Chlorine (C12)

Chapter 8: Water Watch
How to Start?
What Can We Do?
Stream Clean-Up
The Five Steps of Stream Adoption
Community Action Guide
DEAN Programme
Waterwatch Australia

Chapter 9: Save Water
Excerpts from:
Save Our Planet
Consumer Training Manual
50 Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth

Chapter 10: Water Wisdom
The Qur’an
Lao Tzu
Hermann Hesse
An Advert
Alan Atkinsson
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
Waterwatch Australia
Brewer, Dictionary of Phrase and Fable

Chapter 11: Statements
Protecting and Managing Fresh Water

Chapter 12: Directory of Water People

Chapter 13: Water Web

A Brief Glossary of Technical Terms
Appendix A: Selected Readings
Appendix B: Index

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