​The Fiction of Colonial Malaya

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2014, USM
Softcover, 24 cm x 16.5 cm
102 pages
ISBN: 9789838618458


1 in stock

British colonialism roughly describes the period between the 18th and 20th centuries when Malaya came under British rule. Before surrendering the nation, however, the British wanted to ascertain that their influence and interests would remain intact beyond 31 August 1957. Thus, whatever misgivings one may harbour of the hegemonic colonial thumbprint, one must also, willy-nilly, acknowledge its contributions as well – both the good and the bad. Malaysia therefore ‘benefited’ from colonial legacies such as the education system, economic prosperity, infrastructure and facilities, hill stations, laws and statutes, divisive politics and literature.

Mohamad Rashidi Pakri’s study of the latter has been essentialised in a recent academic publication entitled The Fiction of Colonial Malaya. The focus is on four British authors – Frank Swettenham, Hugh Clifford, George William Maxwell and Anthony Burgess. The first three were prominent names to those familiar with colonial history; Burgess’ name, on the other hand, extended beyond colonial territory into contemporary writing (A Clockwork Orange and Earthly Powers) and music.

According to Mohamad Rashidi, the subject matter of his book, the fiction of colonial Malaya, has curiously never been introduced in any other study, either to the specific Malayan or the mixed-raced Malaysian people, simply because it was never intended for their consumption. His approach to genre as ideology sets the stage for the acknowledgement that the effects of creative writing was, due to its accessibility and popular appeal, has proved highly prolific as a vehicle of imperialism. Aside from the unbanning of a book – Anthony Burgess’ The Malayan Trilogy – and the reprinting of other colonial-era texts, no reason is stated for the assertion that Malaysians are beginning to claim their colonial past and its literary treasures. Be that as it may, the timing of the book’s release couldn’t have appeared at a more opportune time, as it paves the way for the ‘re-introduction’ of the featured books to a new generation of post-independence and post-colonial readers in Malaysia and elsewhere.

For those who are already familiar with the works of colonialist writers, this book could serve to further enrich their knowledge and understanding with fresh insight and analyses; even open up new platforms for debates and discussions. For those whose idea of colonial fiction revolves around the likes of Kipling and Maugham, it would serve as a guide and introduction to more obscure works from the nation’s past. Whatever one’s angle of approach, this highly original and seminal study takes the student and scholar of Malaysian and world literature on a highly stimulating literary adventure.

Praise for The Fiction of Colonial Malaya

This highly original and indeed bound to become seminal study by Dr Mohammad Rashidi Pakri takes the student and scholar of Malaysian and world literature on a highly stimulating literary adventure as daring as those undertaken by the four authors he examines, Frank Swettenham, Hugh Clifford, George Maxwell and Anthony Burgess. For so long the unique case of colonial Malaya’s literary output, by these representatives of empire, have been harshly and simplistically judged merely because their works were penned at the height of Britain’s imperial project. Dr Pakri has now elevated the discourse and convincingly illustrated how these texts now become welcome additions to the postcolonial canon, once we begin to view the works on their own terms with the tools we have out our disposal today. The Fiction of Colonial Malaya makes an invaluable contribution to a more fulsome appreciation of the intricacies of colonial Malaya’s literary responses to its place in history and indeed to Malaysia’s place in world literature.

Dr Wilhelm Snyman, Senior Lecturer in the School of Literatures and Languages, University of Cape Town, South Africa

This is an important survey of a neglected chapter in literary history. The critical focus of postcolonialism has hitherto largely avoided a consideration of the considerable body of Anglophone fiction that emerged from pre-independence Malaya. This study rectifies that omission, offering an illuminating assessment of the work of four major writers, and arguing persuasively for the re-evaluation of their writing as part of a more general account of the development of Malaysian culture. This book makes a vital contribution to its field, and will be a valuable resource for scholars in search of an authoritative guide to the way the country was represented in the writings of its colonial masters.

Dr Rob Spence, Associate Head of Department, English and History Edge Hill University, UK