Sejarah dan Politik Kerajaan Bugis

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Abd Latiff & Nordin Hussin
2015. Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka.
Softcover, 21.5cm x 14cm, 425 pages
ISBN 9789834619756


Persoalan yang diungkapkan dalam buku ini adalah bagaimana untuk meletakkan lima kerajaan Bugis di Konfederasi Ajatappareng dalam peta sejarah politik Sulawesi Selatan dari tahun 1812 sehingga tahun 1906, melalui kajian kepustakaan, manuskrip tempatan dan arkib. Kajian yang berdasarkan pada penggunaan sumber primer dan sekunder memfokuskan daerah-daerah yang pernah mendapat pengaruh daripada lima kerajaan di Ajatappareng sebagai lokasi kajian utama. Sumber primer seperti manuskrip tempatan yang disebut lontara’ dan dokumen kolonial dirujuk di pelbagai arkib dan institusi di Sulawesi Selatan dan di Jakarta. Kaedah penyelidikan menggunakan metode analisis kandungan, terutamanya terhadap manuskrip tempatan.

Penulisan ini bertujuan menganalisis mengapa pada abad ke-16, kelima-lima kerajaan di Ajatappareng, iaitu Sidenreng, Sawitto, Suppa, Rappang dan Alitta menggabungkan diri dalam satu konfederasi yang disebut Limae Ajatappareng. Analisis terhadap sistem politik di Konfederasi Ajatappareng sebelum kedatangan Inggeris dan Belanda di Sulawesi Selatan penting bagi menjawab persoalan bagaimanakah wujud sistem politik tempatan di Konfederasi Ajatappareng sebelum kedatangan kuasa asing. Penulisan ini juga bertujuan memberikan maklumat baharu berkaitan dengan konflik di Konfederasi Ajatappareng semasa kuasa kolonial Inggeris dan Belanda menjajah sepanj ang abad ke-19 sehingga penaklukan Belanda ke atas Sulawesi Selatan pada 1906. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahawa politik tempatan di Konfederasi Ajatappareng sebelum kedatangan kuasa asing bercirikan konflik antara keraj aan di dalam Konfederasi Aj atappareng sendiri dan di luar konfederasi. Konfiik antara keraj aan berterusan semasa Inggeris memerintah, walaupun Inggeris euba membina politik keseimbangan kekuasaan dengan eara bersekutu dengan Sidenreng dan Gowa, tetapi tetap berkonfiik dengan Bone yang terletak di pantai timur Sulawesi Selatan. Dasar politik keseimbangan kekuasaan ini diteruskan semasa pemerintahan Belanda sepanj ang abad ke-19 dengan cara yang berbeza daripada yang dilakukan oleh lnggeris. Memasuki awal abad ke-20 Belanda tidak dapat meneruskan politik keseimbangan kekuasaan di Sulawesi Selatan.

Oleh itu, pada tahun 1905 dan 1906, Belanda menjalankan penaklukan bagi mengukuhkan sistem pemerintahan kolonial terhadap Sulawesi Selatan. Penulisan ini juga mendapati bahawa sumber sej arah ternpatan, iaitu lontara’ didapati berbeza daripada sumber Belanda dari segi merakamkan peristiwa sej arah yang berlaku pada masa tersebut. Penulisan ini juga mendapati bahawa terdapat unsur kedinamikan politik di Konfederasi Ajatappareng sebelum dan selepas kedatangan kuasa asing di Sulawesi Selatan. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan kepada historiografi Bugis, khasnya dalam bidang sej arah sosiopolitik.

This book focuses on efforts to include the five Bugis governments of the Ajatappareng Confederacy into the political history narratives of South Sulawesi from 1812 to 1906, through the study of literature, manuscripts and local archives. The study, based on the use of primary and secondary sources concentrates on areas that have been under the influence of the five Ajatappareng governments. Local primary sources referred to include lontara’ manuscripts and colonial documents in various archives and institutions in South Sulawesi and Jakarta. Research methods include the use of content analysis methods, particularly with local manuscripts.

This book aims to analyze why, in the 16th century, the five Ajatappareng gvernments, namely Sidenreng, Sawitto, Suppa, Rappang and Alitta coalesced into a confederation called the Five Ajatappareng. Analysis of the political system in the Ajatappareng Confederation before the arrival of the English and Dutch in South Sulawesi is important in answering questions of how the local political system existed in the Confederate before the arrival of a foreign power. The research also aims to provide new information related to the conflict in the Ajatappareng Conferedration during the colonial periods under Britain and the Netherlands throughout the 19th century until the conquest of South Sulawesi by the Dutch in 1906.

Local politics within the Confederation, before the arrival of foreign powers, were characterized by internal and external conflicts. Conflict continued between the governments under English rule, although the latter attempted to balance the political power by associating with Sidenreng and Gowa; despite this, the conflict continued with Bone located on the east coast of South Sulawesi. The balance of political power persevered under Dutch rule throughout the 19th century, although in a way that was different from the British. By the early 20th century the Dutch could not continue the political balance of power in South Sulawesi. In 1905 and 1906, the Dutch launched an invasion to strengthen the system of colonial administration in South Sulawesi.

It is interesting to note that during their research, the writers discovered variations in the documentation of historical events from the local lontara’ and Dutch sources. They also found elements of political dynamism in the Ajatappareng Confederation before and after the arrival of foreign powers in South Sulawesi.

The authors hope that this book will contribute significantly to Bugis historiography, especially in the area of socio-political directions.

About the authors: Abd Latiff is a lecturer in the Dept of History at the Hasanuddin University in Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia. He specialises in the political history of Sulawesi and the social history  of Indonesia. He graduated from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). His publications include Refleksi Sejarah Sosial Politik Orang Bugis and Kuasa Inggeris di Sulawesi Selatan.

Nordin Hussin is a professor in the Centre for Political History & Strategy, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities in UKM. His publications include the multi-award winning Trade and Society in the Straits of Melaka, published by NIAS Press and NUS.

Weight 600 g
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 × 2.5 cm

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