Recalling Forgotten Tastes

, ,

Syarifah Nadhirah
2020, Syarifah Nadhirah (2nd edition)
Softcover, 21.1 cm x 14.8 cm, 78 pages, illustrated
ISBN: 9789671892602


Recalling Forgotten Tastes is an illustrated collection of edible plants, centred on environmental knowledge and traditional culinary practices by the Orang Asli communities in Peninsular Malaysia, primarily from the Semai and Temuan subgroups. The foreground of the book is to archive the disappearing knowledge of wild foraging and implementation into their diet. Dive into an unfamiliar world of indigenous plants that are often times overlooked and allow yourself to be cradled into a tasteful journey of forest edibles, through spreads of colourful illustrations and conversations.

Further reading(s)