Invertebrates of Pangkor island

Benjamin W. Cutler, Hardy Adrian Chin & Faszly Rahim
Institut Darul Ridzuan, 2015
Hardcover, 26cm x 26cm
145 pages, illustrated
ISBN: 9789670165110


Pangkor Island — “the hidden jewel of Perak” — holds a very rich and diverse ecosystem of invertebrate life, both at its shores as well as on its land. The producers of this book aimed to capture at least 50 quality photographs of different invertebrates, working from early morning until late into the night so as to cover both diurnal as well as nocturnal species, including several rare and exotic species of spiders. A two-week expedition in February of 2015 divided work zones into the seashore area, the scrub area, the forest edge, and the primary forest. The seashore sampling areas we selected were in Teluk Belanga, Teluk Nipah, and Teluk Ketapang; whilst the rest of the sampling sites were situated inside the Sungai Pinang Permanent Forest Reserve and the surrounding areas.

For the record, photographing wildlife in its habitat is extremely challenging, unpredictable, and exhausting; this is even more so when the shots are meant for a high quality hardcover book such as this!

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