A Century of Seremban

, ,

Bob D. Samuel (Dr)
2023. Firdaus Press.
Softcover, 19 cm x 26 cm x 3 cm, 504 pages
ISBN: 9789672440260



Bob D Samuel is a senior Family Physician who has been in Seremban for over 70 years. During this time, he has observed the evolution of Seremban from a small town to the city it is today.

His aim is to record for posterity the many unusual and interesting facts about Seremban which might otherwise be forgotten over passage of time.

A substantial portion of what is written in this book is known only to the writer as he has deep interest in Seremban and has over the years noted down points of importance.

This is the 1st book ever to be written about Seremban and should appeal to those who have an interest in the socio-economic and historical aspects of Seremban.